Student Voice
Research: Russell Quaglia, President and Founder of the Quaglia Institute for Student Aspirations, recently conducted a study on the importance of student voice in schooling and student achievement. He found that students who are engaged are 16 times more likely to want to do well in school and concludes that “students who feel respected and have a sense of control and purpose over what they do at school have a much greater chance of doing well.”
Practice: At Chrysalis we recognize the importance of student voice and engagement in learning. We listen to students’ wants and needs and personalize their educational program to them. They have a say in their schedule, the selection of their teachers, and the direction of their classes. When we receive a new student we’re not only assessing where they are academically, but trying to connect with them on a very human level to understand their goals and help them find purpose in school. All of this adds up to engagement, which forms the basis for any and all academic work that follows.