Our elementary program is the first step in a Chrysalis education. It’s where our younger students gain strength and confidence as learners, develop friendships, and awaken new passions.
Every Chrysalis student engages in a personalized course of study based upon their learning needs and preferences. We create a unique schedule for every child with a combination of individual appointments and small group classes, instructed by an enthusiastic team of teachers who love what they do, and provide loads of project-based learning!

Academic Success
Every child’s school program is unique at Chrysalis. Our placement team carefully selects teachers, classes, and experiences for each child based on their interests, abilities, and needs. Our goal is to create an Optimal Learning Environment™ for every subject, to ensure a positive, successful learning environment. We allow every child to work at their “just right” level of challenge, which minimizes stress and optimizes learning.
All students have 1-1 appointments in their schedule with their teachers, who tailor the class and focus on their learning needs specifically. Our teachers have access to a variety of curricula across grade levels, so students can learn any skill in any grade. Students may work at grade level in some subjects, above grade level in others, and take their time to really learn the material in subjects where they struggle.
We also offer both small and larger group experiences throughout the school day. Our small groups are composed of 12 students or less in multi-age classes formed with students’ personalities, social maturity, and academic ability in mind. These teacher-directed groups engage in hands-on, discussion-based group learning activities.
Our larger group environments (12+) are more student-driven or movement-oriented throughout the day, including multiple opportunities for PE, activity period, and an hour-long lunch and recess. Group class eligibility is determined by the availability of like-learners who are interested in the class and the student’s ability to meet group class expectations.
Free play is essential in the development of the child. We emphasize joyful, playful learning throughout students’ days, with a combination of times for free play and teacher-directed activities. Child-driven, unstructured time supports development of executive functioning (including problem-solving, decision-making, and goal-setting abilities), social and emotional maturity, self-direction, and sense of control. It is important for students to have choices about the activities they engage in during the day. Time to “play” and process information is highly valued. Students have unstructured ”activity periods” in their day to play with friends and choose their own activities.
We believe that school is a place to uncover and build a child’s strengths by putting opportunities for growth in their path. A student’s program should reflect who they are–that means lots of arts classes for some, extra STEM classes for others, or some combination of everything. Students are more engaged and more apt to build foundational learning skills when their school day reflects what sparks their interests and curiosity.
Community is everything at Chrysalis. We believe that when students feel respected and are treated with the dignity they deserve, they learn to practice it regularly with others. We purposefully promote kindness, cooperation, and the importance of everyday life lessons. Taking time out of the day to have 1-1 conversations about friendships, feelings, manners, and safety are commonplace and crucial contributions to student growth. We work hard to maintain a positive school culture where every student feels safe and valued as a member of our school community.
We have a high staff to student ratio (1:3), so there are plenty of opportunities for students to develop relationships with a variety of teachers and students. We plan a variety of social activities that occur throughout the year including field trip experiences, holiday parties, theme days, spirit weeks, and games. Parents are invited to Family Play Days which are held throughout the year for students to share their experience with their families.
Our middle school program is housed at our middle/high school campus. We use the same model there, so the transition to middle school is smooth. We make it even easier by having staff who teach at both campuses so there are familiar faces all around.
Our ultimate goal is for every child we enroll to experience success throughout their educational journey and learn to LOVE school and learning along the way.
Developmental Considerations
Many children learn skills like reading “on time.” But others develop them early and require more challenge, or take longer to develop them and need specialized instruction. Neither of these needs can be met in a traditional grade-level classroom. When students are met with a curriculum that takes their interests, level, and developmental readiness in mind, they will make more gains.
New research on the brain shows the importance of eliminating stress from the school environment to promote learning. We know that the brain works at optimal levels in positive emotional states. At Chrysalis, we know we need relaxed brains to work with, so we create conditions that allow for them: allowing students to work at their “just right” level of challenge, reducing competition, creating a positive social culture, and giving them time during their day to process what they’ve learned and prepare for their next task all support that goal.
6th graders present a unique developmental stage where maturity can vary wildly. Some students have more mature interests and are ready for middle school and, while others may continue to thrive in the elementary environment, where having access to the playground and physical play is crucial. Families can choose which environment they want their child to attend based on these considerations with the advice of our Placement Team.
Elementary Schedules
Students rotate from class to class and teacher to teacher throughout the day. Our core academic classes are offered Monday through Thursday and optional elective classes are offered on Fridays.
K-2 Course Catalog
2-4 Course Catalog
5-6 Course Catalog